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This week saw the release of some exciting new features for RoomBoss Trust:

Automatically Distribute Journal Entries Across Multiple Ownerships

It is now possible to automatically distribute credits / debits across all the units in a Vendor, Room Type or a Pool, from a single entry in the upload.
Distribution can be equal across all ownerships, or set in the system based on entitlements.

Find out more about Journal Entry Uploads here.

Indicate Owner Bookings On Future Booked Dates

You are now able to set a colour and text to indicate which bookings are for owner booking segments in the future held dates area, allowing viewers to easily distinguish between Owner stays and standard bookings.

Forecast Future Manager And Owner Revenue

The new Journal Entries Report (Forecast) generates journal entries based on bookings checking out for a selected period and trust contract mappings.
This feature can be used for projection of income for future periods, or reporting of income for a period on a accrual basis.

To access the new report, log in and navigate here.